
Please enjoy some eccentric technologies.

ARM Notes


ARM 的寄存器


编号 说明
R0-R12 通用寄存器
R13 SP (stack pointer)
R14 LR (link register)
R15 PC (program counter)

xPSR: Program Status Register (x: Current copy to Saved)

PSR Condition Flags
Q Saturation
V oVerflow
C Carry
Z Zero
N Negative

ARM 模式

ARM 的异常模式(Exception)

  • 6种特权模式(Privileged Mode),1种非特权模式(Unprivileged Mode)
简写 全称 中文 常见原因
abt Abort 内存访问错误
fiq Fast Interrupt Request
irq Interrupt Request
svc Supervisor 系统复位
sys System A special mode allow r/w to CPSR, no banked register
und Undefined
usr User Mode

ARM 指令集

条件执行 (Conditional Execution )

简写 全称
EQ Equal
NE Not equal
CS Carry set, Greater than
CC Carry clear, Less than
MI Minus, Less than
PL Plus, Greater than
VS Overflow
VC No overflow
HI Greater than
LS Less than or equal
GE Greater than or equal
LT Lesser than
GT Greater than
LE Lesser than or equal


.N Narrow, 16位ARM指令 .W Wide, 32位ARM指令

Cache L1 Cache Level composes Cache and Write Buffer Logical Cache & Physical Cache

The L1 Cache is Harvard (Separate instruction and data) The L2 cache is Von Neumann

Dirty bit: Cache data different from memory Bit:

Register Call Save R0~R3, R12, R14, PSR are -> caller saved registers R4~R11 are -> callee saved registers

Exception Handling

简写 全称
0x00 Reset
0x04 Undefined Instruction
0x08 Software Interrupt
0x0C Prefetch Abort
0x10 Data Abort
0x14 Not Assigned
0x18 IRQ
0x1C FIQ